
ELISA reagents for plant virus diagnostics

ชุดทดสอบสำหรับงานตรวจสอบไวรัสโรคพืช มีทั้งน้ำยา (Reagents) ชุดทดสอบสำเร็จรูป ELISA, PCR และ ชุดตรวจสอบอย่างรวดเร็ว (AgriStrip Rapid Test Strip) ในงานอุตสาหกรรมเกษตร หน่วยงานวิจัย ตรวจสอบ และการศึกษา สำหรับตรวจสอบไวรัสโรคพืช อาทิเช่น
• Pathogens of Fieldcrops
• Pathogens of Fruittrees
• Pathogens of Grapevines
• Pathogens of Ornamentals
• Pathogens of Potatoes
• Pathogens of Vegetables

Bioreba Product List
Abbr. Product
Aacat Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae
Aac Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli
AMV Alfalfa mosaic virus
APLV Andean potato latent virus
APMoV Andean potato mottle virus
ACLSV Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus
ApMV Apple mosaic virus
ApP Apple proliferation phytoplasma
ASGV Apple stem grooving virus
ASPV Apple stem pitting virus
ArMV Arabis mosaic virus
BYDV-B Barley yellow dwarf virus-B
BYDV-F Barley yellow dwarf virus-F
BYDV-RPV Barley yellow dwarf virus-RPV
BCMNV Bean common mosaic necrosis virus
BCMV Bean common mosaic virus
BNYVV Beet necrotic yellow vein virus
CbMV Calibrachoa mottle virus
CaMV Cauliflower mosaic virus
CLRV-ch Cherry leaf roll virus-ch
CLRV-e Cherry leaf roll virus-e
CTV Citrus tristeza virus
CGMMV Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
CMV Cucumber mosaic virus
CYSDV Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus
Ea Ea AgriStrip Complete kit 25
ErLV Erysimum latent virus
GCLV Garlic common latent virus
GLRaV-4 strain 6 GLRaV-4 strain 6 Grapevine leafroll assoc. virus  4 strain 6
GLRaV-4 strains GLRaV-4 strains Grapevine leafroll assoc. virus generic 4 strains
GFLV Grapevine fanleaf virus
GFkV Grapevine fleck virus
GLRaV-1 Grapevine leafroll assoc. virus 1
GLRaV-1+3 Grapevine leafroll assoc. virus 1+3
GLRaV-2 Grapevine leafroll assoc. virus 2
GLRaV-3 Grapevine leafroll assoc. virus 3
GPGV Grapevine pinot gris virus
GVA Grapevine virus A
INSV Impatiens necrotic spot virus
LYSV Leek yellow stripe virus
LMV Lettuce mosaic virus
MCMV Maize chlorotic mottle virus
MDMV Maize dwarf mosaic virus
MiLBVV Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus
OYDV Onion yellow dwarf virus
PRSV (=WMV-1) Papaya ringspot virus
PFBV Pelargonium flower-break virus
PLCV Pelargonium leaf curl virus
PLPV Pelargonium line pattern virus
PepMV Pepino mosaic virus
PMMoV Pepper mild mottle virus
PeAMV Petunia asteroid mosaic virus
PPV Plum pox virus (Sharka)
PLRV Potato leafroll virus
PMTV Potato mop-top virus
PVA Potato virus A
PVM Potato virus M
PVS Potato virus S
PVV Potato virus V
PVX Potato virus X
Poty group Poty group
PDV Prune dwarf virus
PNRSV Prunus necrotic ringspot virus
PVM PVM AgriStrip Complete kit 25
PVY PVY AgriStrip Complete kit 25
PVY-mono cock PVY monoclonal cocktail Potato virus Y IgG
PVY-mono PVY monoclonal Potato virus Y IgG
PVY-necrotic PVY necrotic Potato virus Y IgG
PVY-poly PVY polyclonal Potato virus Y
RaMV Radish mosaic virus
Rs Ralstonia solanacearum
RBDV Raspberry bushy dwarf virus
RpRSV-ch Raspberry ringspot virus-ch
RpRSV-g Raspberry ringspot virus-g
SMV Soybean mosaic virus
Sss Spongospora subterranea f.sp. Subterranea
SqMV Squash mosaic virus
SLRSV Strawberry latent ringspot virus
SMYEPV Strawberry mild yellow edge PV
SCMV Sugarcane mosaic virus
TMV Tobacco mosaic virus IgG
TNV Tobacco necrosis virus
TRSV Tobacco ringspot virus
TSV Tobacco streak virus
ToANV Tomato apex necrosis virus
TBRV Tomato black ring virus
TBSV Tomato bushy stunt virus
ToMV Tomato mosaic virus
ToRSV Tomato ringspot virus
ToRSV-Ch Tomato ringspot virus-Ch
TSWV Tomato spotted wilt virus
TYLCV Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
Tospo (I,II,III) Tospovirus broad-spectrum (I,II,III) IgG
TuMV Turnip mosaic virus
TYMV Turnip yellow mosaic virus
Verticillium Verticillium spp.
WMV-2 Watermelon mosaic virus 2
Xcp Xanthom. campestris pv. Pelargonii
Xfr Xanthomonas fragariae
ZYMV Zucchini yellow mosaic virus